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Bugatti Chiron Sport top speed German Autobahn


Bugatti Chiron Sport clocks 257 mph on the German Authobahn

In 2021, Radim Passer, a Czech millionaire, took his Bugatti Chiron to Germany to see what kind of top speed it could achieve on the de-restricted Autobahn. He clocked 259 mph and even recorded the top speed on camera. This did not go down well with the German government, prompting the transport ministry to issue a strong statement.

Taking cues from Passer, another person took his Chiron Sport for a high-speed run on the Autobahn recently. Omid Mouazzen, an Iranian businessman and Youtuber, clocked 257 mph, falling just short of Passer’s record.

In a social media post, Mouazzen said, “I had imagined the moment so many times. When I did it, I knew I had just achieved something that only a few people on the planet can do. So much comes together in that moment. When I was a child, and we emigrated from Iran to Germany, we had nothing but our dignity. My father didn’t even have enough money for a car at first. Then to suddenly do something in my own Bugatti on a motorway that perhaps only very few people have ever done is indescribable. That meant more to me than just driving fast.”

Let’s be very clear – even though there are sections of the Autobahn where there are no speed limits, it’s extremely dangerous to drive at such high speeds, not just for the person behind the wheel but also for other road users. If such actions continue, it might prompt the government to enforce a speed limit even on the last remaining de-restricted stretches of tarmac in Germany.

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