Watch the Devel Sixteen play on a Desert Strip in Dubai
It looks as if the UAE-based hypercar start up is finally making progress towards its ambitious goals which have long seemed unachievable.
The Devel Sixteen might well be the most powerful production car of all time, that is if it ever makes it to production. The Sixteen has been in development for ten long years and more than a few times the company has disappeared from the public eye, suggesting the endeavour’s failure. But, presentation of new prototypes and a sudden activeness of the company’s media and marketing outreach indicates that the company might well be making progress on the development of what the company hopes will be the fastest production car in the world.
The company recently posted a short clip on Instagram demonstrating the acceleration of the Sixteen on a strip of a desert road in Dubai. While the car seems insanely fast, the company claims it was only using 20% throttle in the run.
There is also new information on the hypercar’s specifications and availability. As it turns out, there will be a V8 model that will cost $1.6 million and come with Bugatti Chiron-matching 1500 horsepower. The originally planned sixteen cylinder model combining two LS V8s will make 3000 hp and cost $1.8 million. A non-street legal dragster version of the car is also in the pipeline with an insane 5007 horsepower and costing $2 million. It is not clear which one of the aforementioned models is in the clip above. We are guessing its the 16-cylinder 3000 hp car.
We do hope the hypercar makes it to production and soon achieve its more than an ambitious goal of hitting 320 mph (515 kph).