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Toyota Supra rented on Turo results in damages


Rental Toyota Supra rakes in US$ 4K worth bills after a land speed attempt

A man has landed in hot soup after he rented a 2023 Toyota Supra 3.0 on Turo and used it in a land speed record competition. Post this incident, the owner of the car has estimated damages worth US$ 4,000 to the car.

Why was the car used at a land speed event?

According to reports, Gregory Ditch is a teacher at the Naperville North High School in Naperville Indiana. The students at the school built a racing truck to take part in the event, but it broke down while being taken to the event. Hence, at the last minute, Ditch figured out that using a rental car might ensure participation in the event.

What the Supra’s owner has to say?

The car belongs to Geovanni Morales. Morales had listed the car on Turo and after profiling Ditch, he figured the latter to be a responsible person. He was aware about cars and being a teacher ensured that Morales could leave his cars in good hands.

But, once the car was returned, Morales sensed something to be off. After going through social media posts, he found pictures of the car participating in the event.
According to Turo, the car was rented on their platform but they have violated the rules. According to the terms and conditions of the app, renting cars for prohibited purposes and racing is not allowed.

Morales says all the tires are worn while the brakes too have to be replaced. The Supra was driven at speeds in excess of 160 mph.

Source – Fox32


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